A couple of years ago, I was asked by Google+ if I would be interested in sharing my images for Google’s streaming media device called Chromecast. The images would be used for a screen saver when Chromecast was idle. There are many photographers participating, so I was very happy to be among them.
One of the interesting thing to come out of it is the views on my Google+ profile skyrocketed. To this day there are over 16 BILLION views. Most of those are from Chromecast I am sure, but it is still fun to look at 🙂
One of the reasons why I wanted to do this post was not to gloat about the views, but to make sure when people searched my name or “Kelly DeLay Chromecast“, incidentally is the 2nd most searched phrase associated with my name, they would find this page. I get several emails a week asking if they can use as a desktop background. The answer is YES! The images are below. Being the crafty internet user you are you may know this, if not, just drag and drop the image where you want it or right click and “save image as”. Please don’t sell or anything commercial. If you want a print of one of the images, I have them available on SmugMug

Beautiful sunset captured in Frisco, Texas on 1-02-12.

Foggy sunrise in Frisco, Texas on January 24, 2013.

Spider Lightning coming from a supercell outside of Albany, Texas on May 1, 2013.

Amazing cloud to ground lightning captured outside of Hodgeman, Kansas on May 7, 2013.

Mammatus clouds on the backside of a storm lit up at sunset in North Texas

Dramatic cloud to ground (CG) lighting coming from a newly developed storm outside of McKinney, Texas on August 17, 2012

Multiple lightning strikes from a dissipating supercell at dusk outside of Olney, Texas on October 13, 2012.

Beautiful pastel sunrise on a cold morning in Frisco, Texas. December 11, 2012

The Tufas of Mono Lake at sunset.
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