Just a usual Saturday night  Started in Alpine, TX and ended up 30 miles away in this spot on top of this ridge overlooking a valley. Amazing view! It was very windy all day long, so the dust in the air made it glow even more.  #clouds365  #sunsetphotography  #westtexas  
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Yoy are very sexy
Yoy are very sexy
oh wow,it looks like two streets,one in the air and one on the ground(-:)
oh wow,it looks like two streets,one in the air and one on the ground(-:)
Amazing !
Amazing !
Racing Dusk.
Racing Dusk.
très bien ,le pitorresque naturel
très bien ,le pitorresque naturel
Love the power sky
Love the power sky
Beautiful picture! Â you are so good
Beautiful picture! Â you are so good