Beautiful lightning display from this tornado warned supercell outside of Hodgeman, Kansas earlier this year on May 13, 2013. This strike seemed to move in slow motion, striking the ground and returning to the clouds and forking out again. Amazing to watch! One of my favorites from my Clouds 365 Project.

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Atmospheric sciencesCloudCloudsHodgemankansasKelly DeLayLightningLightning PhotographyMeteorologyPhotographystormchasingsupercellweatherWeather Photography
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nice tofe
Wish I could see the Exif data on this one. I'd love to have some baseline settings to go off of when hunting this kind of thing
sogoood.. good job 🙂 🙂
+Matthew DeVries Sorry about the EXIF info. Uploaded a PNG, stripped all of the data. Here is some of the info from memory
Canon 5D Mark III – Canon USM 16-35mm (used  @24mm for this). ISO 400, f/8 BULB mode hand holding a remote timer, holding down for max 3 seconds for twilight light conditions, I would release when I captured a flash. Once you get your base exposure, you just have to be patient!
Thanks +Kelly DeLay I just ordered a remote trigger, mostly for selfies, but this could another use.
What a wonderful photo…fabulous!!!
Great shot.
that's aqreat photo!"
Hi dud's
oooooooh nice
iki koyun tos yapıyor sanki…
been trying to get a picture for a years, nice job…
its a powerful connection tap tap into it
Très beau! Magnifique photo.
man I have tried soooo many times to get a picture like that
very nice … amazing!
Subhanallah,,,,,,,, amazing.